RECOVAR - 880% Traffic Increase

Over 20 page 1 and position 0 rankings, positioned above Deloitte, Openreach, BT and The UK Government on Google and consistently generating inbound leads after increasing monthly clicks by 880% in 3 months.

RECOVAR website clicks and impressions

880% click increase in 3 months

RECOVAR is a B2B SaaS business co-founded by Rough Water Founder, Henry, that was offered £250,000 seed funding in January 2022. We opted against funding and decided to bootstrap.

RECOVAR was Henry’s test bed to hone his technique to master page 1 rankings for SaaS businesses, some of the highlights include:

  • Receiving 5 inbound leads in 11 days through one blog (this blog now averages 2 inbound leads per week)

  • Ranking above Openreach for several key terms in the telecommunications industry

  • Guest feature in an industry-leading magazine; receiving 2 DA60 backlinks

Below we have included some of the highlights of our three months of SEO work and 13 blog articles. This is a perfect example of how, when done right, SEO can lead to traffic long after the work is completed.

Position 1 ranking for primary commercial key term

Position 1 ranking for a primary commercial key term in RECOVAR’s industry

Position 0 article over Openreach

Position 0 article ranking over Openreach for a term that gets 140 searches/month

Position 0 thought-leader article

Position 0 thought-leader article, marking RECOVAR as a thought-leader in their industry

Bounce rate optimisation

Bounce rate optimisation on RECOVAR’s homepage

Position 0 decommissioning article

Position 0 decommissioning article with an infographic displayed

Feature in industry-leading article

Feature in industry-leading news site (received two DA 60 backlinks, worth ~£300/each)

To learn more about our services and to make the most out of our guaranteed page 1 results, feel free to book in a free SEO audit.

Henry Purchase

This article was written by Henry Purchase, the Founder of SEOSpace, who is on a mission to change Squarespace SEO - making it jargon-free and accessible for anyone, regardless of their experience.

Validient - Inbound Enquiry from J.P. Morgan